Hello Dear Reader!

An introduction to us: we are a group of 10 engineering students with two brave instructors embarking on an adventurous learning experience...

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Yuritzi's Post Day 4 ( Jan. 9th )

   Physically getting out of bed today was so difficult, but mentally and emotionally I was so ready to finish what we started yesterday! Day three was intense for me, I have a whole new definition of exhausted now. Myself and a few others shoveled what it felt like mountains of dirt and rocks. Our task was to dig a bioswell that was at least a meter deep. Leaving the worksite yesterday I thought that we didn't even dig that deep, it felt as if we kept shoveling dirt and rocks and got no where. But going back this morning you can clearly see that we dug a HUGE amount, which made me eger to start because you could see how close we are to finishing the bioswell.

Besides being incredibly  sore in the morning, it was a great morning. My home-stay family is so amazing, they really do make you feel like you're at home. I truely thought that home-stay part of this trip was going to be the most difficult when it turned out to be easiest part. They're so passionate about their town and extremely close withone another and also the rest of Providencia; its inspiring. The morning is probably one of my favorite parts because Adrianna my home stay mom makes us the best breakfasts. AND the coffee is literally the best coffee I have ever had in my entire life. Mornings here in Providencia are great.

Once we've all eaten breakfast and are set to go we walk to Biofabrica, where we discuss that days plans. In this case, seven of us go to the trout farm and three of us stay at the biofabrica. For the trout farm we discuss more as we're working, which I actually like because I am visibly able to see what were talking about. So today we finished digging the swell because we weren't quiet done yet, we still needed to form and flatten out the swell. Which we did before lunch, it was difficult but we did it. Standing above the swell was such a great feeling once it was fully dug out and had it foundation, we all felt so accomplished. But we weren't done... we needed to add the boulders at the bottom of the swell before we fill it up with gravel. 

We had our lunch before resuming to anymore work. Lunch was delicious like always thanks to Adrianna. Once we finished our Lunch we drove back to the trout farm. The drive is one of my favorite things on this experience. I have always wanted to ride in the back of a truck because my parents grew up riding in the backs of trucks in Mexico, I just wanted to experience it too. I'll definitely remember today's ride though, almost getting my ribs broken by Brandon and Sergio, it was great. Jonathon hit the breaks fairly hard and Brandon flew to the front and then flew Sergio but luckily I was there to support the weight of two full grown men with my 120 lbs body.

We got the trout farm and resumed our work. We finished placing the boulders in the swell by the end of our work day, so we're all super anxious to start the next part. The swell looks great as of right now, I haven't felt this proud of myself in awhile. It was just a great feeling today walking away from the job site knowing that were making so much great process and we're really doing something that going to affect more than our grades but something so much bigger. I can't explain how grateful and blessed I am to be on this experience with such a diverse group of individuals and two outstanding leaders. Super eager to see whats going to happen tomorrow. 
Pura Vida!

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