Hello Dear Reader!

An introduction to us: we are a group of 10 engineering students with two brave instructors embarking on an adventurous learning experience...

Monday, January 13, 2020

Zac's Post Day 6 ( Jan 11th )

The day started out well, almost a full week into our Costa Rican  schedule the routine is becoming more enjoyable. The 6:30am wake up courtesy of the roosters all about the town is a great snooze alarm clock as Nate affectionately pointed out to me. Breakfast is always an ever evolving affair. Best coffee on the planet every breakfast, my host family diligently puts milk and sugar out for it as well but I wouldn't dare insult the taste of the coffee by adding anything, it's just that good. Additionally to the coffee sometimes it's eggs, sometimes it's small little tortillas fried with cheese, sometimes you get lucky and have pancakes for breakfast. Regardless of what is served you get the impression that everyone is super thankful for us to be there and that love and care went into everything made for each of us.
    As we get our bellies full we turn to our work; today was an all hands on deck kind of day. We had a large list of parts that were needed for every project, and thankfully those parts arrived to us right before lunch. However, we still had plenty to do before those parts even arrived. For the portion of the day that I worked, Nate and I took to finishing up the remaining connections to the solar equipment, cables still needed to be made, and cable still needed to be ran. As we devised our plan of attack the ever prolific carpenter Matt took to continuing rabbit hutch improvements that could be made with the remaining bit materials still on hand. These tasks lasted us for the majority of the morning as before we knew it, the sun was high above us and Johnathan had arrived with the parts requested.
    This allowed Nate and I to firmly place the goal in front of us to complete the solar project today. Lunch was ate, but all I was concerned about was finishing the project. After lunch Nate made his way up the ladder to the underside of the roof to run cable for the solar project and David and I helped with what we could in assisting him from the ground. As the cable slowly made its way to the shed where the solar parts resided I took the ends of the cable and started running them through the shed. With the final large portion of the solar project done, Nate and I added the final bits of cable and connectors that needed to be installed courtesy of the newly arrived parts. The shed was sweltering hot without any degree of ventilation so the eagerness to be done was growing with each crimp.
    Final parts in place, take a deep breath, and... Everything worked first try! We were so happy to see everything doing its task first try without hiccup. Nate showed David how to work the newly acquired solar system to ensure proper usage and I went to go help Matt with what little I could. After several more audible cheers of delight to have one major portion of our project complete Nate, David, and I finished the day helping Matt with the rabbit hutch upgrades from the previous year. And before we knew it, it was time to wrap up the day and head back to our homestays. I got home, showered up, and met the group over at the community center at 5:30pm.
    Johnathan and David had a small video for us to watch about consumerism and the linear path that resources take within that process of consumerism. This was used as a metal lubricant to help spur our discussion on regarding what impacts each of us individually can do in our home communities to stem the tide of such rampant consumerism. We all left the meeting feeling a little more directed in what to do and how to accomplish the goals we have back home. Brandon and I walked back to our homestay and just took in the fresh, warm Costa Rican evening. Brandon excitedly pointed out each firefly he would spot lighting up just a pin prick of light in the dark blue sky. Life here is much more direct and free of meaningless riff raff, and I am ever appreciative that I have gotten the chance to experience even just a fraction of life here and had the opportunity to make a positive change and work with such beautiful vibrant people

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